# # Script for display of 1lmb.pdb, the lambda repressor at 1.8 A, from # Beamer and Pabo, 1992, JMB 227, 177-196. # By Jason Kahn, UMCP # If you haven't loaded the molecule yet: #zap #load 1lmb.pdb # set ambient 60 set specular on #set shadows on # not implemented in jmol, crashes applet # reset zoom 90 rotate y 220 rotate x 40 rotate z 105 rotate x -20 # define halfdna (dna and (resno>10 and resno<32)) define halfall (halfdna or (resno<61 and :4)) define g_major (G and (*.N7 or *.O6 or *.C5 or *.C6 or *.C8 or *.H8)) define a_major (A and (*.N6 or *.N7 or *.C5 or *.C6 or *.C8 or *.H8)) define t_major (T and (*.C5 or *.O4 or *.C4 or *.C5M)) define c_major (C and (*.C5 or *.N4 or *.C4 or *.H5)) define u_major (u and (*.C5 or *.O4 or *.C4 or *.H5)) define major_groove (g_major or a_major or c_major or t_major or u_major) define g_minor (G and (*.N3 or *.C4 or *.C2 or *.N2)) define a_minor (A and (*.N3 or *.C4 or *.C2 or *.H2)) define c_minor (C and (*.C2 or *.O2)) define t_minor (T and (*.C2 or *.O2)) define u_minor (u and (*.C2 or *.O2)) define minor_groove (g_minor or a_minor or c_minor or t_minor or u_minor) # select all labels off spacefill off cartoons off monitors off set monitors off color cpk select all hbonds calculate color hbonds green hbonds 0.30 wireframe 50 # select dna wireframe 150 backbone 200 color cpk color backbone pink # select protein hbonds off backbone off # set echo top echo set echo bottom echo Lambda Repressor-DNA Cocrystal