Background papers for Giese et al. Discussion

The primary paper (Giese, K., Kingsley, C., Kirshner, J. R., and Grosschedl, R. ,1995, "Assembly and function of a TCRa enhancer complex is dependent on LEF-1-induced DNA bending and multiple protein-protein interactions." Genes Dev. 9, 995-1008), to be discussed 2/16/96, presents experiments concerning the role of LEF-1 in establishing the architecture of a multi-protein complex at the enhancer.

Background Area (paper)
Context-dependent activation domain in LEF-1 (Giese and Grosschedl, 1993)
Context-dependent activation domain in closely related TCF1-a (Carlsson et al., 1993)
Evidence for bending and an architectural role for LEF-1 (Giese at al., 1992)
Bend swap experiment (Segall et al., 1994)
Prokaryotic example;  identification of an architectural role for IHF (Hoover et al., 1990)
Delineation and biology of the T-cell receptor a enhancer (Winoto and Baltimore, 1989)
Discovery of LEF-1 and methods of analysis (Travis et al., 1991)
Structure of the ETS-1 factor DNA binding domain bound to DNA (Werner et al.,1995)
Structure of the LEF-1 factor DNA binding domain bound to DNA (Love et al., 1995)
Effect of chromatin on LEF-1 assisted activation (Sheridan et al., 1995)

Carlsson, P., Waterman, M. L., and Jones, K. A. (1993). "The hLEF/TCF-1a HMG protein contains a context-dependent transcriptional activation domain that induces the TCRa enhancer in T cells." Genes Dev. 7, 2418-2430.

Giese, K., Cox, J., and Grosschedl, R. (1992). "The HMG Domain of Lymphoid Enhancer Factor 1 Bends DNA and Facilitates Assembly of Functional Nucleoprotein Structures." Cell 69, 185-195.

Giese, K. and Grosschedl, R. (1993). "LEF-1 contains an activation domain that stimulates transcription only in a specific context of factor-binding sites." EMBO J. 12(12), 4667-4676.

Hoover, T. R., Santero, E., Porter, S., and Kustu, S. (1990). "The Integration Host Factor Stimulates Interaction of RNA Polymerase with NIFA, The Transcriptional Activator for Nitrogen Fixation Operons." Cell 63, 11-22.

Love, J. J., Li, X., Case, D. A., Giese, K., Grosschedl, R., and Wright, P. E. (1995). "Structural basis for DNA bending by the architectural transcription factor LEF-1." Nature 376, 791-795.

Segall, A., Goodman, S. D., and Nash, H. A. (1994). "Architectural elements in nucleoprotein complexes: interchangeability of specific and non-specific DNA binding proteins." EMBO J. 13, 4536-4548.

Sheridan, P. L., Sheline, C. T., Cannon, K., Voz, M. L., Pazin, M. J., Kadonaga, J. T., and Jones, K. A. (1995). "Activation of the HIV-1 enhancer by the LEF-1 HMG protein on nucleosome-assembled DNA in vitro." Genes Dev. 9, 2090-2104.

Travis, A., Amsterdam, A., Belanger, C., and Grosschedl, R. (1991). "LEF-1, a gene encoding a lymphoid-specific protein with an HMG domain, regulates T-cell receptor a enhancer function." Genes Dev. 5, 880-894.

Werner, M. H., Clore, G. M., Fisher, C. L., Fisher, R. J., Trinh, L., Shiloach, J., and Gronenborn, A. M. (1995). "The Solution Structure of the Human ETS1-DNA Complex Reveals a Novel Mode of Binding and True Side Chain Intercalation." Cell 83, 761-771.

Winoto, A. and Baltimore, D. (1989). "A novel, inducible and T cell-specific enhancer located at the 3 prime end of the T cell receptor a locus." EMBO J. 8, 729-733.